Hope in Babylon

Sep 27, 2020    Walt Tanner

Here are this week's Gathering Insights to give you an opportunity to dig deeper into this week's sermon.

1. Daniel and his friends understood that even though they were in a pagan culture, it didn't make them pagans. They were resolved NOT to allow Babylon to get into them. What are the ways you can "resolve" not to ingest the negative of this world?

2. Read Romans 12:1-2. What does it look like for you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable before the Lord? What area of your life do you struggle the most with conforming to the world? How do you see the Lord using you to help bring Transformation?

3. Do you struggle with Garbage In Garbage Out? What is something you can do this week in order to replace some Garage with some Gospel Goodness?

4. Spend some time in Ephesians 4:8-9. What is your takeaway from this passage? When you put this into practice, what does Paul says we will receive?

5. One of the biggest hope killers is fear. We mentioned Sunday: We end up fixating on the things we fear than the God we follow. What are some of your "What if..." fears that can distract you? Read Psalm 23 and write down some encouragement from this passage.