Wisdom in Babylon

Oct 4, 2020    Walt Tanner

Welcome to the Gathering Insights taken from this week's message from the Gathering.

1. Spend some reading Daniel 2:1-49. What is your major take away after reading this amazing story of God using Daniel to interpret a dream?

2. Daniel's boldness not only allows him and all the other wise men to live but an opportunity for him to point King Nebuchasser to the God who could answer his question. What does that boldness look like in your life: relationships - sharing - prayer? Do you see opportunities in front of you to point others to Christ?

3. Read Daniel's Prayer of Thanksgiving in verses 20-23. Who does he give credit for the wisdom that has come to him? Can you think of a time the Lord has given you wisdom through scripture, conversation, or even revelation?

4. At the end of the chapter we see that the King didn't fully understand the Godly Wisdom Daniel had given him. Who does verse 46 say that King Nebuchasser "paid homage" to and offered "incense" to? Why do you think the King worship Daniel instead of God? Why do you think people today in our Modern Day Babylon respond the same way and miss their opportunity to worship the Living God?

5. Read James 1:5-7. What does it say that we should do we lack wisdom? What does James say that doubt will do? How do you allow Christ to be your anchor in order to know be tossed by seas of doubt?