Rise of Babylon

Sep 13, 2020    Walt Tanner    Babylon, Daniel, Post Christian, Trials,

Welcome to the Gathering Insights taken from this week's message from the Gathering.

Question 1
What is one thing you plan to do this September that you or your family didn't do last September?

Question 2
Daniel 1:2 says "And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his (Nebuchadnezzar) hands." Daniel and his friends are caught in the backwash of the nation of Israel's sin. Do you think it was fair that Daniel and his friends, who were good guys, are having to suffer because of King Jehoiakim's actions? Why or Why Not?

Question 3
We touched on Deuteronomy 28 and that the Lord is simply following through on his warnings if His people, whom he blessed, were to stray from his voice. Spend some time reading Deuteronomy 28:15-25. The Lord is faithful in the good and the bad. When has the Lord been faithful in his dealing with you- the good or the bad?

Question 4
Today we live in a culture much like Babylon, far from John. Look at the words of Jesus in John 16:33. How does knowing the truth that pain and trails will be part of life help you face them today? How does knowing that Jesus has overcome the world help you live in a world full of darkness?

Question 5
How does it make you feel knowing that as Christ-followers we are quickly becoming the minority? How do you see your life looking different from the world in the next few years?

Question 6
Our Big Idea from the Gathering was: In order to Thrive in Babylon, we must stay the course on the narrow and difficult path. What does stay the course mean for you? How can you make sure that as the culture and world get darker, you shine brighter on the road less traveled?