Humility in Babylon
Welcome to the Gathering Insights taken from this week's message from the Gathering.
1. Humility isn't thinking more of yourself than you should. It is thinking of others before yourself. Read Galatians 6:3-7. What did Daniel and his friends sow in order to receive the blessings in their story?
2. We said that Daniel showed humility in his respect for King Nebuchadnezzar even though he didn't deserve it. He gave respect because God commanded it. Who is it that you do show respect or need to show respect to who may not deserve it but because God commands it?
3. Read Exodus 20:4-6. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego humbly stand on their conviction what part of this command do you think cause them not to bow? What are the "carved images" of wood or stone (created things) that sometimes steal your worship from the creator? How can you humbly stand in worship?
4. Read Daniel 3:16-18. These guys were humble, but they weren't scared. They weren't going to say "we will bow outwardly but not inwardly." They took a stand. What stirs up inside of you when you read their response to King Nebuchadnezzar? How do you see both humility and strength in their response?
5. James 4:6 says “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Describe how the American church has failed at humility. What are some areas you may need to confess pride over humility? List one thing this week you want to do under the banner of Humility (serve someone, call someone, listen to someone, etc.)