Kingdom Economics | Live Generously

Do you know why we should leave margin each month – to live generously.  Do you want to know why we want to live a life where less is more – to live generously.  Living generously is why we are called to be good stewards with what we have been given.  It is what, I believe, should be one of greatest calling cards as Christ followers. Why? Because is throughout scripture.  
Acts 20:35 | Proverbs 19:17 | Psalm 112:5 | Hebrews 13:16 | 1 John 3:16-17
John specifically talks about how Jesus' love for us is seen through his sacrifice.   For those who have accepted his love, we are expected to sacrifice and show that love by being generous in helping meet worldly needs.   Too often we think that generosity is a by product of the Gospel, but the heart of the Gospel is generosity.  The reason we are saved is because of the generosity of the Father.  He gave us something we could never earn or pay back.  It isn’t a loan, but a generous gift.  We have to ask if aren’t living generously, then do we really know the love of the Father and have the Gospel in our hearts?
1 Timothy 6:17-19 | DO GOOD
Paul doesn’t tell Timothy to let all the rich people know they need to sell everything or stop making money.  He tells them not to be prideful or place their hope in riches, but to remember who gave them their riches.  In case you are thinking you aren’t rich and doesn’t apply to you,  it does, because you live in America.  If you have a roof over your head, working electricity, indoor plumbing and a car in the drive way – you are in the top 1% of richest people in the world.  You have been blessed in what you have.  The question is, what will we do with what we have been given?  Will we use it on ourselves or will we use it to do Good?

We believe that God has placed unique passions and abilities in each one of us.  He has given us a Kingdom calling in our lives.  It's more than coming to church and checking some boxes. It is using our abilities and passions to bring his Kingdom here on earth.  It is to do good and share his love to those who need it.  Paul says we should be rich in good works or we should live a RICH LIFE.    What if money wasn’t an issue or you had plenty of it?  What would you do for the Kingdom?   For some, it is moving to different county to share the Gospel.  For others it might be starting a new business or non-profit.   But if we are mastered by our money we will never live rich lives- we will just stand on the sideline and be in awe of what God is doing through others.  
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 | GENEROUS GIVER
Paul says if you give a little you will only see a little fruit. But if you are all in helping bring the Kingdom as a generous giver, you will see God do amazing things. It takes discipline and it takes sacrifice, but as in the parable of the talents to the servants who invested well Jesus says: Well done good and faithful servants.

How will you live a generous life with what you have been given?
Big Idea: Kingdom Economics Rule #3 Live Generously.  We have been blessed in order to share and show His Love to others.




