James | Faith Perseveres

The book of James is seen as challenging, yet clear.  James gives clear direction and application of what it looks like to be a Christ follower.  We will see throughout this series that the faith we are called to have isn’t one that sits on the sidelines or is just in word only. The faith we have in Christ, is one of action and one that puts our faith to work.  If we had to pick one verse that summarized the book of James, it would be James 1:22  “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” 
The book of James is thought by many scholars to the be very first written letter of the New Testament. James is believed to be the leader of the church of Jerusalem. James writes this letter in response to the stoning of Stephen in Acts 8.  The church of Jerusalem had seen exponential growth and times of celebration.  But know that the church has been scattered and the new Christ followers are fleeing Jerusalem, heading deeper and deeper into the Roman and Persian Empire.  Much of what we will see in the letter that James writes is used by the Holy Spirit to encourage, comfort and challenge the New Testament church.  

James 1:2-4 | Steadfastness in Trials
James doesn’t say what has happened is unjust, unfair, or that they should hide as victims. He says to count it as pure joy that these trials and persecution have happened.  James instructs them to be steadfast.  The word means “cheerful endurance.”  He doesn’t want them to give up because it has gotten hard.  Jesus told his disciples that they would face trials and those trials would make them stronger, more dependent on each other, and running towards the father instead of away.  

James 1:5-8 | Shaped by Trials 
James continues saying that in the midst of trials when we need wisdom, we should ask for it.  Remember, we aren’t trying to fix this ourselves.  James says when we humble ourselves and ask, God is faithful to hear us and give us wisdom.  Our faith gives us confidence.   James says if your faith doesn’t drive you towards your heavenly Father, then you will be tossed and directed by the seas.  Which is similar to what Jesus says in the sermon on the mount: the difference between those who only hear his words and those who put them into practice (Matthew 7:24-27).  Many of us run from trials.  We fail to embrace the theology of suffering.  Which means when we avoid suffering in the midst of trials, we miss the opportunities to be shaped into the image of Christ.  May we say yes to Jesus and the suffering that may come from following Jesus in order to become more like Him.  

James 1:12-15 | Sinfulness in Trials
When we can’t run from suffering and hide from our trials, we like to point fingers.  We play the blame game and we allow sin to come through our trials instead of being shaped by them.  Spiritual Truth: trials will always lead to temptation.  The temptation will be to not trust God, to question his love for us.  James reminds us that God may test us, but he will never tempt us.  Our desires lead us to temptation which leads to sin.  When trials come, we must not ask "Why am I going through this" but ask "What can I learn in the midst of these difficulties."  
BIG IDEA: James instructs us to be steadfast in our trials as we are shaped by trials and to avoid the sinfulness of trials.  




