Don't Stop

For almost 20 years I have challenged those under my leadership with a specific goal during summer- be closer to Jesus at the end of the summer than at the beginning.  A vast majority of us get out of our routines during summer.  We aren’t getting up to take kids to school, so we might get to sleep in and don’t have that margin for quiet times.  We are soaking up the sun and when it goes down, we are wore out so we aren’t intentionally growing in Christ.  We are crisscrossing from the mountains to the sea with vacations and trips without connecting in Christ centered community.  Please don’t hear me say you shouldn’t enjoy the summer -- go for it.  But my challenge for you is NOT to put Jesus on the shelf this summer.  
When we get out of our normal routine in the summer, it is easy to just hit the pause the button in my relationship with Christ and even Gospel Community. Then we just hit play again in August or post labor day when we are back into normal routines.  But we aren’t called to “coast” through summer, but be international with our time.  

1 Corinthians 9:24–27 | Paul says that we should remember that we are running a race.  We must be disciplined and intentional with our time.   Too often we just go through the motions when we have been given a purpose and mission with our time here on planet Earth.  This summer, let’s not take our eyes off the eternal purpose of following Christ, but be focused on the prize that lies ahead – Jesus.  

Galatians 6:9–10 | We also see where Paul encourages us not to get tired of following Jesus.  In case you didn’t know- following Jesus is NOT a cake walk. As Christ Followers we should be known for doing good to EVERYONE, including those who may not deserve it. People will often take advantage of us, not appreciate our kindness or act entitled instead of thankful.  I know I have wrestled with that and Paul’s words echo what I felt like the Holy Spirit told me: We don’t do good for the praise of men, but the Father.  Our actions should stand out.  Do yours?

We want to give three targets this summer for our Capstone Family as we scatter for the summer.  We want you to enjoy your family vacations and time of fun in the sun.  But we also want to give you some direction that might help you be closer to Jesus at the end of summer than the beginning.  

TARGET ONE: Growing in Christ
Do a Study on Right Now media or a book of the Bible.  Pick up a book at the bridge on a topic of interest.  Don’t want to have a water logged book sitting on the beach or pool – invest in Audible.  Commit to listen to a Christian podcast or memorize scripture.  

TARGET TWO: Bless someone at Capstone
Galatians 6:10 says do good, especially to those in the household of Faith.  We would say it this way: Bless someone in our Gospel Community.  It is easy to just think about me and my family trips and family time during the summer.   Who can you bless for being apart of your church family?

TARGET THREE: Serve the Least of These
Who can you be Jesus to this summer?  Who needs to know the love and compassion of Christ through you?  Don’t just have fun in the sun this summer but take some time to serve someone who can’t pay you back, who can’t defend themselves, or doesn’t deserve it.  

Big Idea:  This summer isn’t a time to put Jesus on the shelf, but a season to continue being disciplined in growing, blessing, and serving in the name of Jesus.




