Origins | The Flood

Remembering and Rescuing
The story of Noah and the Flood is a story that spans not only the history of mankind but also culture. You don’t have to be in church to have heard about God sending a flood across the globe and only saving Noah and his family. The question is why?  And what does it mean for us?  Let’s find out.  

Genesis 6:5–8 | The Wickedness of Man
We see that God saw the wickedness of man was great and that every thought of his heart only contained evil.  There was no good, not even selfish good to make themselves feel good about themselves.  Everything was evil.  Then we read a passage than can be both shocking and confusing.  God regretted he made man? Does that mean God can make mistakes? Many times we see emotions given to God but those descriptions might be more for our benefit than an actual description of what God is feeling.  It helps us connect with what God.  It is like a father who raises, guides and allows a child to choose, yet their decisions go against the father.  The Father isn’t “sorry,” but he is full of sorrow for the damage and hurt that comes from those choses.   Free will has been given to mankind and man chose evil over good and now judgement must come.  

Genesis 6:17–18 | Noah Chosen
In the midst of the evil and chaos God chooses Noah and his family to continue the hope of redemption. Noah wasn’t perfect or even good, as we will see later, but God invited Noah into relationship and gave instructions – Noah listened and created the Ark.  Rain came and as God promised all life outside of the ark was gone.  

Genesis 7:24- 8:1 | Remembering Leads to Rescue
Did God forget Noah? No. The remembering isn’t about God’s memory, but his mission. His Covenant bears fruit. Here we see an origin of truth: remembering leads to rescue.  Noah was rescued through a wooden boat but the rest of humanity was rescued through a wooden cross.  

Purpose of God’s Judgement | 2 Peter 4-5,9
Peter reminds the early church that God had poured out his judgement on the wicked people of Noah’s day and rescued the righteous.  He points them back to the Origins story to ensure that God is in control and despite the wickedness that surrounded the early church, God is just.  

Patience of God’s Judgement | Hebrews 11:7
God was patient with Noah not because he was perfect but because he was faithful.  Noah had evil in his heart just like everyone else.  But when God gave his warning of the flood and gave instructions – Noah listened.  We think God isn’t patient or demands perfection from us which leads to fear and frustration when we are not.  But God’s grace is one of a patient Father.

Promise of God’s Judgement | Genesis 9 + Matthew 24:37-39
God promises that His judgement will not come again in such a catastrophic way.  But he will give us a symobol of his promise- the rainbow.  But an even great promise was given in that it wouldn't be water that purifies the Earth next time, but the blood of Christ that will purify our hearts.   Jesus told his disciples – like in the days of Noah as people live their lives, he will come to close the final chapter of the Redemption Story and usher us into Restoration in a New Heaven and New Earth.
Big idea: The flood was both the Judgement of God and the Rescues of God’s people. The flood is a warning and hope.  




