Origins | The Calling

Throughout Scripture we see that God puts a calling our lives that he has gifted us, prepared us, and has a purpose for us.  In Genesis 12 we see the calling of Abram to be Father of a Nation.  This calling of Abram is a hinge point in the Redemptive Story of humanity.  God is planting a seed for a family tree.  Abram is that seed for a family tree that will bear kings and queens, prophets and prophetess, heroes and even some villains.  But the pinnacle of this family tree would be the “root of Jesse”, the “promised Messiah”, “Wonderful Counselor”, the King of Kings – Jesus.   The origins story for the nation of Israel all starts with Abram's answer to the call and stepping out in faith to follow God.  
Genesis 12:1–3 | The Promise of a New People
We can establish nowhere does it say that Abram is worthy of this calling.  He may have been a great guy.  We know he is wealthy because he doesn’t have kids!  But no where do we see his is righteousness.  Like Noah, he was faithful.  God gives him instructions without much to go and Abram says “Yes.”  God says: “I will make your name great.”  Unlike the builders of the tower of Babel, Abram wasn’t trying to make his name great.  But we when follow the Lord not for our fame but His, he does great things through us.  Our story is much the same.  When we accept the call from Jesus that we aren’t worthy of, we too are blessed.  Again it isn’t because we have earned it, but God’s goodness and grace allows us to accept this invitation to step out in faith.  
Genesis 12:4-7 | The Promise of a New Place
God says this place you are at now will be given to you, your family, and this nation that will come from you and your faithfulness.  As Abram steps out in faith, God gives him peace in the midst of chaos. The promise we receive, again, isn’t of a physical place or geography, it is a promise of an eternal home.  A way to get back to our creator.  A place where there is no death, disease, or destruction.  There are no tears and light of a Savior illumates all of heaven.  It is only through Christ we can receive the promise of place.  Jesus is the bridge that gets us back – his sacrifice and blood.  It will be Abram’s faithfulness that will create the family that gives us a way back home.  
Genesis 12:8-9 | The Promise of a New Purpose
Abram responds with worship.  The theme of scripture in Genesis has been – relationship and worship.  We were created to be in relationship with our creator and our purpose is to worship him.  Abram creates an altar, a place of remembrance to worship and praise for God’s promises. For us, our purpose is to remove ourselves from the center of the story and put Christ.  Worship is more than singing songs.  Worship is making God smile by what you say and what you do.  That is why we were created and our purpose in life.  How are you doing at fulfilling your purpose?
Big Idea:  God’s calling to Abram gave him a new people, place, and purpose.  Jesus' invitation calls us to have a new heart, new family, and new purpose.




