James | Faith that Obeys

James begins his letter by saying "count it as pure joy for trials." In verses 1-18 in Chapter 1, James answers the question: How do we respond to trials?  In verses 19-27,  he asks the question: How do we respond to truth? In verse 19, he begins to answer those questions as he lays out some ways to ensure that we are staying on the narrow path Jesus lays out in Matthew 7.  James gives us guidance and a picture of what it looks like to have a faith that works.  We see nine targets he set out for us as Christ followers that fall under three responses.
James 1:19–27 | Nine Targets  
  1. Quick to Hear  (v.19)   6. Don’t forget what you see (25)
  1. Slow to Speak (v.19)   7. Bridle Tongue (v.26)
  1. Slow to Anger (v.19)   8. Visit Orphans and Widows (v.27)
  1. Put away wickedness (v.20)9. Stay unstained (v.27)
  2. Be Doers of the word (v.22)
Response to the Word v.19-21 (1-4) 
These verses often get highlighted in verse 19 because it says: be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.  On the surface we can think that is just talking about defending Christianity, a political stance, or gossip.  But the nugget is buried in verse 21: “IMPLANTED WORD which is able to save your souls.”  We see first that word of God is implanted in us and what does that implanted word do – it doesn’t just save us from going to hell, but heals our souls. So how will we respond to the truth of the Word that is implanted in our hearts? When we do, will it heal our very souls?  Maybe we should open the word with an open heart that soaks in the word and doesn't respond quickly or defensively. We can respond to the word in a way that bring healing, not excuses.  

Response in our Hearts v.22-25 (5-6) 
James says, "don’t just hear what it says you should do, but put into action what we are commanded to do." When we listen, it goes to our hearts.  That is where the healing of our soul begins.  That is where we are transformed from the inside out like Jesus told us we would be.  And out of our mouths – going back to speaking – is an overflow of what's in our hearts (Matt 12:34). Our response of the heart changes us, or as James says, we are like a man who looks in the mirror and forgets what we see. We forget whose we are and our calling.  

Response in the World v.26-27 (7-9) 
Often we talk about Religion as a bad thing.  I’ve said in following Christ, we are choosing a relationship over a religion.  Here, James is saying religion isn’t a bad thing, but can be twisted if we don’t keep it pure.  Religion is defined as: a particular system of faith and worship. James echoes the voice of the OT testament prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 58.  Israel is complaining that God isn’t responding to their worship, but God says it focuses on yourselves.  He desires to break the chains of the oppressed, feed the hungry, and give clothes to the naked. James says pure religion or faith is one that cares for the vulnerable. An in those days, the orphan and widow were as vulnerable as you got.  God says – my family needs to step in and put into action what His word says.   Be a family to the fatherless, provide for the penniless, provide healing for the broken.  One might say that the pure religion the Father desires, is a faith that works.
Big Idea:  Our faith is one that causes us to respond: to the Word, in our Hearts, and in the World. #ONEless 




