James | Faith Submits

James 1:5 says that if any of us lacks wisdom we should ask for it.  God, in his generosity, is faithful to give it to us.  Many of us think we aren’t wise or have the ability to make wise choices.  But the truth is, we have a choice.  We have a choice in the wisdom that we listen to: worldly wisdom or Godly wisdom.  Many of our issues come from the source of our information which leads to our transformation.  Are we seeking worldly wisdom in how we live or do we seek out Godly wisdom in the ways we are making decisions in our lives?
James 3:13-16 | Worldly Wisdom = Selfish Ambition and Pride
The question we have to ask: why do I do what I do?  Sure, we can justify our actions...  we just want our kids to have it better than us.  We will be able to give back one day – right now it is my time.  Someone else will help, it isn’t my responsibility to serve everyone.  

A couple weeks ago we asked: what has your faith cost you?  If you are living your life following worldly wisdom then you probably don't have a faith that has cost you. Sacrifice, service, and suffering are things you try and keep at an arms distance.

James 3:17-18 | Godly wisdom = Selfless Attitude and Humility
James give us a picture of what our faith that works should look like in our lives.  Godly wisdom leads to a life that is pure, gentle, full of peace, open to reason, full of mercy, impartial – not picking sides and sincere.  This is what Godly wisdom creates in us when we follow specifically the words and ways of Jesus. We sow a spirit of peace that will bring peace. Often times we get this wrong and try to win arguments instead of bringing the Kingdom.  

James 4:1-4 | Friendship with the World vs Friendship with God
James says that the reason we are fighting, arguing, and sinning is because we are acting like toddlers.  We are throwing tantrums because we don’t get what we want.  James says we are willing to do whatever it takes to get what we want.  James says in v.4 “You adulterous people.” Your actions reveal you are a friend of the world meaning you are an enemy of God.  Jesus says in Matthew 12:30 – He who is not with me is against me. 

James 4:6–10 | Resist the Devil and Draw near to the Lord
We must run from the path of destruction he invites to and often tempts us with.  We must make a choice.  We must STOP resisting God and START resisting the devil.  Many of us are in the situations we are because we choose not to resist the devil.  How do we avoid those lures in life that hidden hooks?  Trust God and resist the devil.  When we trust that God is enough, we won’t look for love or completion in someone else or a one-night stand.  
When we turn from the devil, we turn to God.  This is called repentance.  We do a 180 degree turn from the path we were on and go an opposite direction.   We move from seeking worldly wisdom and desire to be under Godly wisdom.  

Big Idea: Worldly wisdom and friendship leads to destruction, while Godly wisdom and friendship gives us an eternal purpose and place.  

What is your faith in?  

What do you trust more: the ways of the world or the ways of God?

Is your wisdom filled with words that point others to Jesus or broken systems and self-medication of material things, revenge, and power?




