Balance + Boundaries | August 25, 2024

Luke 10:38–42 | Mary and Martha
Distracted vs. Focused
Jesus says "Martha you are distracted. Mary is focused."  When we lack boundaries in our lives, it is like trying to herd cats of what we should or shouldn’t do.  We aren’t able to focus on the main thing.  We are so busy running around being distracted by the world; we aren’t able to focus on Jesus. Martha is tired, frustrated and empty, even though she is doing good things for Jesus.  She is taking care of other people.  Jesus tells us to do that – right? Yes, but not to the expense of our health.  Mary isn’t serving, but soaking.  Our serving is meant to come from rest, not working.
Anxious vs. At Peace
Jesus says, "Martha you are anxious.  Yet Mary sits here at peace."  Martha was more focused on what needed to get done, than who was sitting in her home.  Her anxiety of what she was responsible for distracted her from trusting the one who says to trust him.  I would say that Mary is at peace because she is in the moment.  Paul says in Philippians 4:12 that he has learned to be content in all circumstances.  Too often because we are striving for more, never satisfied, and can’t slow down, our lives are full of anxiety and not peace. We can’t be in the moment because we are worrying about what’s next or what if this happens or what others will think. Martha thought Jesus was going to say "Yes, Mary go help your sister."  Instead, Jesus says, "No, Martha, you need to slow down in order to sit and soak."
Troubled vs. At Ease
Jesus, says "Martha you are troubled." We see Mary is at ease because she is worshipping instead of working.  The issue with so many church people is that we miss that Jesus desires our worship, not our work.  We don’t have to earn his love.  We don’t have to impress him with our religious acts.  We don’t have to "do," he asks us to simply "be." In that "being," we don’t live a life where our soul is troubled, but a life of ease.  We have ease because our identity, acceptance, and love isn’t based on how good we are, but how good Jesus was.  If we are honest, this is really hard for us.  In America we go, we do, we build, we earn.  Which is why many of us are like Mary and Martha.  We have an issue with just being.  I will confess – YES.  While we are being honest – many of us are ok with going to church, checking our boxes and living our life as is. We are troubled like Martha, but we can begin to adjust, remove, and slow down to find a life full ease focused more on worship than work. It is easier for me to work for Jesus like Martha than to worship Jesus like Mary.    
Big Idea: A balanced life isn’t about doing more work for Jesus, but living a life full of worship of Jesus. 




